Fight the no_cache parameter II

Fight the no_cache parameter II: „From 1.650.000 to 2.460.000 – disaster in progress

3 monthes passed. It’s time to do the test again.

April 17. 2007 — Juli 27. 2007
2.050.000 — 2.550.000 ( ‘no_cache=1″)
1.650.000 — 2.460.000 ( inurl:’no_cache=1″)

While in april there there were 20% fewer hits when prepending ‘inurl:’ to the search this difference is 5% today. This indicates that the algorithm may have been modified. That should be considerd when looking at the results.

The results of both queries exploded, ca. 25% for the first search term, ca. 50% for the second.

Will the TYPO3 community be able to invert the trend to a growing amount of ill caching pages?“