Using GnuPG with PHP

Using GnuPG with PHP: „

GnuPG is open-source software that makes it possible to encrypt your email and other messages so that they can only be read by the intended recipient (not unlike Jim Phelps and his briefing book). Unlike cleartext messages, which are unprotected and can be read by anyone who intercepts them, GnuPG-encrypted messages are ‘locked’ through cryptographic techniques and may be viewed only by a person with the correct ‘key’; everyone else will merely see gibberish. In today’s day and age, when hacking and phishing is common, such encryption plays an important role in protecting sensitive data like user names, passwords or credit-card information.

(Via Zend Developer Zone.)

Non-blocking JavaScript Downloads

Non-blocking JavaScript Downloads:

External JavaScript files block downloads and hurt your page performance, but there is an easy way to work around this problem: use dynamic scripts tags and load scripts in parallel, improving the page loading speed and the user experience.

The problem: scripts block downloads

Let’s first take a look at what the problem is with the script downloads. The thing is that before fully downloading and parsing a script, the browser can’t tell what’s in it. It may contain document.write() calls which modify the DOM tree or it may even contain location.href and send the user to a whole new page. If that happens, any components downloaded from the previous page may never be needed. In order to avoid potentially useless downloads, browsers first download, parse and execute each script before moving on with the queue of other components waiting to be downloaded. As a result, any script on your page blocks the download process and that has a negative impact on your page loading speed.

Here’s how the timeline looks like when downloading a slow JavaScript file (exaggerated to take 1 second). The script download (the third row in the image) blocks the two-by-two parallel downloads of the images that follow after the script:

Timeline - Blocking behavior of JavaScript files

Here’s the example to test yourself.

Problem 2: number of downloads per hostname

Another thing to note in the timeline above is how the images following the script are downloaded two-by-two. This is because of the restriction of how many components can be downloaded in parallel. In IE <= 7 and Firefox 2, it’s two components at a time (following the HTTP 1.1 specs), but both IE8 and FF3 increase the default to 6.

You can work around this limitation by using multiple domains to host your components, because the restriction is two components per hostname. For more information of this topic check the article ‘Maximizing Parallel Downloads in the Carpool Lane’ by Tenni Theurer.

The important thing to note is that JavaScripts block downloads across all hostnames. In fact, in the example timeline above, the script is hosted on a different domain than the images, but it still blocks them.

Scripts at the bottom to improve user experience

As Yahoo!’s Performance rules advise, you should put the scripts at the bottom of the page, towards the closing </body> tag. This doesn’t really make the page load faster (the script still has to load), but helps with the progressive rendering of the page. The user perception is that the page is faster when they can see a visual feedback that there is progress.

Non-blocking scripts

It turns out that there is an easy solution to the download blocking problem: include scripts dynamically via DOM methods. How do you do that? Simply create a new <script> element and append it to the <head>:

var js = document.createElement('script');
js.src = 'myscript.js';
var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];

Here’s the same test from above, modified to use the script node technique. Note that the third row in the image takes just as long to download, but the other resources on the page are loading simultaneously:

Non-blocking JavaScript timeline

Test example

As you can see the script file no longer blocks the downloads and the browser starts fetching the other components in parallel. And the overall response time is cut in half.


A problem with including scripts dynamically would be satisfying the dependencies. Imagine you’re downloading 3 scripts and three.js requires a function from one.js. How do you make sure this works?

Well, the simplest thing is to have only one file, this way not only avoiding the problem, but also improving performance by minimizing the number of HTTP requests (performance rule #1).

If you do need several files though, you can attach a listener to the script’s onload event (this will work in Firefox) and the onreadystatechange event (this will work in IE). Here’s a blog post that shows you how to do this. To be fully cross-browser compliant, you can do something else instead: just include a variable at the bottom of every script, as to signal ‘I’m ready’. This variable may very well be an array with elements for every script already included.

Using YUI Get utility

The YUI Get Utility makes it easy for you to use script includes. For example if you want to load 3 files, one.js, two.js and three.js, you can simply do:

var urls = ['one.js', 'two.js', 'three.js'];

YUI Get also helps you with satisfying dependencies, by loading the scripts in order and also by letting you pass an onSuccess callback function which is executed when the last script is done loading. Similarly, you can pass an onFailure function to handle cases where scripts fail to load.

var myHandler = {
    onSuccess: function(){
    onFailure: function(){

var urls = ['1.js', '2.js', '3.js'];
YAHOO.util.Get.script(urls, myHandler);

Again, note that YUI Get will request the scripts in sequence, one after the other. This way you don’t download all the scripts in parallel, but still, the good part is that the scripts are not blocking the rest of the images and the other components on the page. Here’s a good example and tutorial on using YUI Get to load scripts.

YUI Get can also include stylesheets dynamically through the method
YAHOO.util.Get.css() [example].

Which brings us to the next question:

And what about stylesheets?

Stylesheets don’t block downloads in IE, but they do in Firefox. Applying the same technique of dynamic inserts solves the problem. You can create dynamic link tags like this:

var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
var link = document.createElement('link');
link.href = 'mycss.css';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.rel = 'stylesheet';

This will improve the loading time in Firefox significantly, while not affecting the loading time in IE.

Another positive side effect of the dynamic stylesheets (in FF) is that it helps with the progressive rendering. Usually both browsers will wait and show blank screen until the very last piece of stylesheet information is downloaded, and only then they’ll start rendering. This behavior saves them the potential work of re-rendering when new stylesheet rules come down the wire. With dynamic <link>s this is not happening in Firefox, it will render without waiting for all the styles and then re-render once they arrive. IE will behave as usual and wait.

But before you go ahead and implement dynamic <link> tags, consider the violation of the rule of separation of concerns: your page formatting (CSS) will be dependent on behavior (JS). In addition, this problem is going to be addressed in future Firefox versions.

Other ways?

There are other ways to achieve the non-blocking scripts behavior, but they all have their drawbacks.

Method Drawback
Using defer attribute of the script tag IE-only, unreliable even there
Using document.write() to write a script tag
  1. Non-blocking behavior is in IE-only
  2. document.write is not a recommended coding practice
XMLHttpRequest to get the source then execute with eval().
  1. eval() is evil’
  2. same-domain policy restriction
XHR request to get the source, create a new script tag and set its content
  1. more complex
  2. same-domain policy
Load script in an iframe
  1. complex
  2. iframe overhead
  3. same-domain policy


Safari and IE8 are already changing the way scripts are getting loaded. Their idea is to download the scripts in parallel, but execute them in the sequence they’re found on the page. It’s likely that one day this blocking problem will become negligible, because only a few users will be using IE7 or lower and FF3 or lower. Until then, a dynamic script tag is an easy way around the problem.


  • Scripts block downloads in FF and IE browsers and this makes your pages load slower.
  • An easy solution is to use dynamic <script> tags and prevent blocking.
  • YUI Get Utility makes it easier to do script and style includes and manage dependencies.
  • You can use dynamic <link> tags too, but consider the separation of concerns first.

(Via Yahoo! User Interface Blog.)

YUI! Graded Browser Support Update

Graded Browser Support Update: „

This post announces an update to Graded Browser Support. The GBS page on the YUI site always has the most current information. This post includes a list of primary changes, the updated chart of browsers that receive A-grade support, the GBS forecast, and notes specific to the YUI Library.

Primary Changes

These changes are included in this update.

  • A-grade support for Firefox 3 begins.
  • A-grade support for Firefox 2 is reduced to Win XP and Mac 10.5.
  • A-grade support for Opera 9.5 begins on Win XP and Mac 10.5.
  • A-grade support for Win 98 is discontinued, as previously forecast.
Win 2000 Win XP Win Vista Mac 10.4 Mac 10.5
Firefox 3.† A-grade A-grade A-grade A-grade A-grade
Firefox 2.† A-grade A-grade
IE 7.0 A-grade A-grade
IE 6.0 A-grade A-grade
Opera 9.5† A-grade A-grade
Safari 3.0† A-grade A-grade

The dagger symbol (as in ‘Firefox 3.†’) indicates that the most-current non-beta version at that branch level receives support. Put another way, † means ‘the most recent’ instead of ‘all.’

GBS Forecast

In addition to the effective-immediately changes, we’re keeping our eyes on pending developments.

  • Internet Explorer 8

    GBS does not extend A-grade support to beta versions of browsers. (They receive X-grade support by definition.) However, it’s important to be aware of forthcoming releases, especially from established brands that enjoy rapid adoption once generally available (GA). We are currently watching the development progress of Internet Explorer 8.

    We made an exception to our ‘no-betas’ stance during IE7’s beta phase in recognition of IE’s market share and ability to promote rapid adoption. The exception — committing development and QA resources to provide A-Grade prior to a GA release — gives us an opportunity to learn the new browser’s quirks and provide feedback while it is still being developed. And it means our sites are prepared when it goes GA. We will likely extend the same accommodation to IE8. Stay tuned.

Notes Specific to the YUI Library

  • YUI version 2.5.2

    YUI 2.5.2, released May 28, 2008, includes full support for Firefox 3.0 and Opera 9.5, even though those two browsers were just added to GBS in this update.

(Via Yahoo! User Interface Blog.)

Web Form Factory: Open Source Formular-Generator

Formulare ermöglichen einen direkten Kontakt zu den Besuchern einer Seite und erfragen zum Beispiel Daten für Newsletter, Kommentare und Adressen. Das Design ist schnell erledigt, doch ohne PHP-Kenntnisse wird daraus kein nützliches Formular. Wer gerade keinen PHP-Entwickler zur Hand hat, der kann auf die Web Form Factory zurückgreifen.
Web Form Factory: Open Source Generator für Formulare

Die Erstellung von Formularen für eine Webseite bleibt in aller Regel entsprechend geschulten Entwicklern vorbehalten. Die optische Gestaltung stellt für viele Publisher keine große Hürde dar, bei der Programmierung der Formulare sieht das schon anders aus. Hier sind spezielle Kenntnisse gefragt, um die Formulareingaben in einer Datenbank speichern oder per E-Mail versenden zu können.

Mit der Web Form Factory (WFF) gibt es jetzt eine Open-Source-Lösung zur Erstellung von Formularen für das Web. Die einfach zu bedienende Web-Applikation untersucht eine selbst erstellte HTML-Datei auf verwendete Eingabetypen wie Textfelder, Drop-Down-Listen, Checkboxen sowie Radio-Buttons und generiert daraus automatisch ein an PHP-gebundenes HTML-Formular. Das Ergebnis lässt sich dann in Form einer Zip-Datei herunterladen, auspacken und in die eigene Webseite integrieren.

WFF befindet sich derzeit im Beta-Stadium. Momentan wird nur die Anbindung von HTML-Dateien an PHP (wahlweise 4, 5 oder 5.1) unterstützt, was sich aber in naher Zukunft ändern soll. Außerdem ist die Erstellung eines E-Mail-Formulars möglich, bei dem die erhobenen Daten nicht in eine Datenbank fließen, sondern an eine E-Mail-Adresse geschickt werden.

Eine Hilfestellung für die Arbeit mit WFF inklusive der Erstellung der HTML-Datei bietet ein Einführungsvideo im Tutorial-Bereich.

via t3n

Optimizing TYPO3 backend responsiveness

During the last months I attended two excellent meetings. One was the TYPO3DD08 and the other was the „Dirty Handson Session“ (Forelle ist geil!). During the last session we worked on HCI issues in Arnhem @ the Netcreators office together with Ben van ‚t Ende, Benjamin Mack, Jens Hoffmann, Patrick Broens, Steffen Kamper and me. We had a lot of fun and made a good start improving the backend step by step….

Implementation Focus: MiaCMS

Implementation Focus: MiaCMS:

Introduction: Chad Auld of the MiaCMS projectChad Auld is one of the principal developers of MiaCMS. MiaCMS is a relatively new open source project, but it’s starting out with a solid base from its roots in Mambo CMS. Chad spent about three years on the Mambo team in various roles including Lead Core Developer and Director on the Mambo Foundation Board; he was a member of the Mambo Steering Committee prior to retiring in February of 2008. Recently, Chad joined with other core Mambo developers to create MiaCMS which is now on its second release. Chad’s role on the MiaCMS team for the first two releases has been to help with the rebranding efforts, build the default WYSIWYG editors, implement the YUI Library, build a REST API for content access, and develop enhanced charting for general CMS statistics and poll results.

How does MiaCMS differentiate itself from other CMS projects out there? Why would someone choose MiaCMS over Drupal or Joomla or other well-known apps in this space?

Yes, there are quite a few content management systems to compete with. Luckily we aren’t really new to the game. Our team contributed toward making Mambo the CMS it is today. We will continue building on that same award-winning base with MiaCMS. (As a side note, it’s worth pointing out that Joomla was also initially based on Mambo about three years ago.)

Some of our current features are:

  • Simple Installation
  • WYSIWYG Content Editors
  • RSS Content Syndication
  • Powerful/Extensible 3rd Party Extension System
  • Flexible Site Theming Capabilities
  • Site Search
  • Sitemap Generation
  • REST Enabled Content & Statistics
  • User Management
  • Multilingual Core

MiaCMS will differentiate itself by making standard content management operations even easier and more flexible than they have been in the past. We will cleanup much of the old legacy code and enhance the extensions interface to simplify custom 3rd party extension development. With the 4.7 release the team will drop support for PHP4 to take advantage of the object-oriented capabilities of PHP5. The team plans to continue building close ties to the community and listening to their feedback. The next few releases will focus on building out many of the wishlist items we have already received from the community.

At some point, you and the development team made the decision to build YUI into MiaCMS. What were the factors that guided your decision?

YUI Menu and TabView on MiaCMS.

We based our decision on a number of important factors; maturity, browser support, documentation, support community, functionality, and flexibility. YUI has a large selection of time-tested components and continues to make valuable additions with each release. For us it is important that the selected framework continue maturing and growing right along side of us. We didn’t want to add yet another library to the system and so it was important to be able to replace existing parts of the CMS with canned components and/or have the flexibility to hook into the framework and use it as a building block for custom components. The YUI documentation is first-class. In fact, it represents some of the best documentation I’ve come across for an open source project. Between the user guides, cheatsheets, api browser, examples, and developer videos, you have just about everything you could ask for. Of course, sometimes documents just aren’t enough. Luckily, we’ve found the YUI support group to be a good place to find additional answers. Last but not least is the topic of browser support. While we’d love to support every browser in existence, it simply isn’t possible. But we do our best to test and code for as many as we can. We think Yahoo! has taken the right approach with its Graded Browser Support model.

What components of YUI are used in Mia?

We are currently utilizing the ResetFontsGrids CSS, Dom Collection, Event Utility, Tabview Control, Button Control, Color Picker Control, Rich Text Editor, Animation Utility, Element Utility, Container Family, and Menu Control. Our production releases also make use of the YUI Compressor which we have integrated with our ANT packager to compress all the CSS and JavaScript in the system. The entire YUI library is included in the system so we are hoping our 3rd party developer community will make use of the library as well. Each custom component comes with its own set of unique requirements and we are confident that YUI can meet their needs, help improve their extensions, and reduce the number of 3rd party libraries the system must carry. In the last release we also build a dynamic loader into the system which allows MiaCMS users to decide between serving files from the local YUI library and serving them from the Yahoo hosting service for the advantages its CDN can bring.

YUI Rich Text Editor on MiaCMS.

Where do you see opportunities for deeper YUI integration with MiaCMS in the months ahead?

We’ve still got a lot more planned for YUI. Mia is carrying a fair amount of legacy JavaScript code in the system since its Mambo base was started about 7 years ago. We’ll be rewriting a good chunk of the JavaScript in Mia over the next few releases and utilizing YUI where possible. Users can expect a drastic reduction in inline JavaScript. We also plan to move away from older styles of event handling like coding individual onclick/onmouseover events and instead rely on the YUI Event Utility to subscribe to DOM events and help us create custom events with the application. Future releases will make heavy use of the YUI Dom Collection as well as the Event and Selector utilities.

In addition to the custom JavaScript found in the CMS there are also a number of external JavaScript libraries included to handle specific functions like tooltips, menus, calendaring, etc. A goal for the project will be to reduce the number of external dependencies and rely on YUI where possible. Two such replacements have already been almost fully implemented within the CMS core and we have started to encourage our 3rd party developers to make the switch as well with their custom extensions. In past releases the menu system relied on JSCookMenu and all tabs within the system relied on WebFX Tab Pane. JSCookMenu has now been fully replaced with the YUI Menu Control and the WebFX Tab Pane conversion to YUI TabView is about 98% complete. We are currently in the process of replacing overLib tooltips with the YUI Tooltip Control. We will also soon replace ‘The DHTML Calendar’ with the YUI Calendar Control. It would also be pretty safe to say you’ll eventually find ContextMenus, TreeView, DataSource, DataTable, Connection Manager, and JSON being used within MiaCMS. We recently selected Open Flash Charts, but as the YUI Charts Control matures and evolves out of an experimental state that may also find it’s way into Mia.

Having developed a complex application implementing YUI, what are your thoughts on the state of YUI as a toolkit? What’s working super well at this point? What weaknesses are you hoping the YUI team will address?

YUI is a feature-rich, well designed, state of the art toolkit. The available components cover a wide variety of the common tasks needed for web application development. We have had great success integrating YUI deeply into the MiaCMS core which we will continue to do with each passing release. The community feedback on the YUI-related changes has been very positive so far. Support for the major browsers is top-notch, the components degrade nicely, and performance is solid. Tools like the YUI Compressor and YSlow are also key in helping us take performance to the next level.

Nothing much to complain about. Overall we have been very happy with our selection of the YUI Library. One of the things I really like about jQuery is the powerful CSS style selectors. I am really looking forward to the YUI Selector Utility coming out of beta. We’ll probably start making heavy use of it even before then, but obviously the more stable it is the better. I also see a lot of potential for the experimental Charts component so I’d like to see it polished up with its functionality being continually expanded as well.

What are the next big frontiers for the MiaCMS project as a whole?

Below is the list of roadmap items in no particular order. Some are already being worked on, some are almost complete, and others are in the planning stages.

  • Improved ACL’s (User/Group Permissions)
  • Database Portability
  • LDAP Support
  • OpenID
  • Dublin Core Metadata
  • OAuth
  • N-Level Content Organization (remove the two tier section/category limitation)
  • Content Versioning
  • Multilingual Content Management
  • Writeable REST Interface
  • Multi-Site Management
  • Improved File & Image Management

(Via Yahoo! User Interface Blog.)

YUI 2.5.2 Released: Bug Fixes and Support for Upcoming Firefox and Opera Releases

YUI 2.5.2 Released: Bug Fixes and Support for Upcoming Firefox and Opera Releases: „

Visit the YUI web site, where you can download YUI or learn more about the libaries 30+ components that make rich internet application development easier for professionals.The YUI development team released version 2.5.2 today; you can download the new release from SourceForge or configure your implementation using the YUI Configurator. This is a focused release that addresses several key bugs while providing support for Firefox 3 and Opera 9.5, both of which are expected to reach GA this summer. Key points for YUI 2.5.2:

After you’ve downloaded YUI 2.5.2 (or changed your pathnames using Yahoo!’s free edge-hosting service), head over to the YUI Community Forum and let us know how it’s working for you.

PHP 5.3 bis zu 30 Prozent schneller

PHP 5.3 bis zu 30 Prozent schneller: „Die Entwickler der freien Scriptsprache PHP haben begonnen, PHP von einem veralteten, Flex-basierten Lexer auf re2c umzustellen. Die aktuelle Entwicklerversion von PHP 5.3 wird dadurch um bis zu 30 Prozent schneller. (PHP, WordPress)“

Erst Benchmarks der aktuellen Entwicklerversion von PHP 5.3 mit PHP 5.2, die Dmitry Stogov veröffentlichte, sehen vielversprechend aus: Demnach ist PHP 5.3 bis zu 30 Prozent schneller als sein Vorgänger. Gemessen wurden die PHP-Applikationen Drupal (20 Prozent schneller), Qdig (2 Prozent schneller), Typo3 (30 Prozent schneller), WordPress (15 Prozent schneller) und Xoops (10 Prozent schneller).


Yahoo: Wie man Webseiten schneller macht

Yahoo: Wie man Webseiten schneller macht: „Yahoos Exceptional-Performance-Team beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie man Webseiten schneller macht, von Maßnahmen auf Serverseite über die Inhalte bis hin zu Cookies, JavaScript, CSS-Bildern und den speziellen Anforderungen mobiler Webseiten. Nach den ersten 14 Regeln für schnellere Webseiten hat Yahoo nun 20 weitere Tipps veröffentlicht. (AJAX, iPhone)“
