Firefox 1.5 final has been released

Suddenly my Firefox RC2 told me to update … so it seems as if the final release is out now. It’s noticeable faster than the 1.0 release (at least on my machine). Hopefully the extension developers start to update the relevant stuff soon…

Update: It only seems to be RC3 – even if the »About Screen« tells something else.

Presentation of KISD’s Intranet at the meeting of »Arbeitskreis Multimedia«

On tuesday, May 24th 2005 Richard Junkunz and I will give a presentation (German only, PDF 76 KB) about KISD’s Intranet at the meeting of the »Arbeitskreis Multimedia an Nordrhein-Westfälischen Fachhochschulen« at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne.

I did something similar together with Marian Steinbach at the »Usability-Stammtisch« of the UPA in Cologne. You can see our presentation (German only, PDF 1.692 KB) with some screenhots of the intranet. We also talked about our Intranet two years ago in Düsseldorf at the MKI. The presentation as PDF-file.


Finally I installed Tiger. I had the idea to wait until the first update is released, but as there where no complaints about compatibility with my standard apps I did it. One annoying thing I noticed was QuickTime 7 engrosses OpenOffice’s».sxw«-files and assignes them as MPEG-Movies. Also – as many others already wrote – all standard assignments for the default appliocations are gone. The update itself went smoothly and had no negative side effects (so far).
Since I do not use Apple Mail the only application where I have to deal with the new toolbar is NetNewsWire. I guess we all will get used to the new design.
Update: Since OO apparently does not work under Tiger, the mapping of ».sxw«-files to QuickTime Player makes sense ;-)

WordPress 1.5 (updated)

I upgraded my blogging software to the latest release – now I use WordPress 1.5 »Strayhorn«. The upgrade was easy – there’s a good tutorial in the WP Wiki.

Since the system now makes use of Themes to extend the Templates the old design of my site is gone until I find some time to replace the default theme with my custom one.

Update: Since it is so easy to set up a basic theme, the site now looks like in WordPress 1.2 days.

Nice animation by Austrian design students

Marian pointed me to this wonderful animation (embedded QuickTime movie – about 23MB!).

The animation »Neben der Arbeit« (»Besides Work«) was made in April 2004 by Austrian design students Philipp Seifried, Patrick Sturm, Joachim Techt and Gernot Weinhandl who work together under the collective name of Kaffeemaschine. The client was an EU initiative for the integration of immigrants, handicapped people, women and long-time unemployed at the work-place. The film was produced to serve as an introduction at a conference.
Kaffeemaschine will soon put out its own website, showcasing other samples of its work. As soon as this happens, the link will be posted here.

Weblog Updates

Long time no posts. I will try to update my weblog more frequently using MarsEdit and the WordPress XML RPC functionality.

MarsEdit is a weblog editor for Mac OS X that makes weblog writing like writing email— with spell-checking, drafts, multiple windows, and even AppleScript support. It works with various weblog systems: Blosxom, Conversant, Manila, Movable Type, Radio UserLand, TypePad, WordPress, and others.